Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Reeling through the months

No better time than that interlude between Xmas and New Year to go into retrospective mode and review the missing blogmonths, where the shouldabeen posts couldhavebeen posted, and wouldhavebeen had my energies not been so intently, perhaps obsessively, focussed on the podcast posts on the libsyn site (

While it has fortunately not been a good year for President Shrub, it hasn't been a good year for the people, either. Anti-terrorist legislation was passed in Australia with a few token bleats from our now rather blimpish opposition leader, and Nimbin got its street surveillance cameras almost at the same time, against the wishes of (admittedly) disorganised locals. On a more positive note, Venezuela is walking tall (see next post) and to my immense delight, the working class Indigenous Evo Morales won the elections in Bolivia. At last - an election (like Venezuela's) where the elected representative genuinely reflects the people's will.

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